Monday, January 30, 2012

To My Family and Friends

I never anticipated how much I'd miss everyone back home, but it seems any journey worth taking always brings people away from home only to return to where they belong the better for having taken it.  In the time I've spent here, I've seen some amazing things.  Some testaments to the power and ingenuity of man.  The Colosseum and the magnificent bridges are just two examples of this.  Others, more graceful, are sites only God Himself could provide.  The sun rising over the Italian hillside and falling over the Tiber River offers a majestic serenity to the viewer of such miracles.  And in a world full of calamity, where peace is sometimes hard to find, sights like these help to ease the mind and open the heart.  I hope to find more of these sights over the coming months and share them with you before finally returning to where I belong, the better for having taken this journey.