Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boy Meets Cannes

Cannes is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  A place where clear blue waters crash against sandy white shores and people live in tranquil appreciation of the natural beauty that surrounds them.  Every aspect of the city seems to strive to reflect the brightest of the sun itself, and succeeds marvelously in doing so.  The sands have received a golden tan from the sun's rays and the cool waters brush the feet of sunbathers as they watch the sails of boats in the distance.  It is no wonder the city serves as host to the world renown Cannes Film Festival.  Nothing in the world compares to the natural majesty found in Cannes.  Pictures won't do it justice, but I definitely tried.  Some are below.  Enjoy!

Eiffel Tower at Night

One of the most fantastic things I saw during my spring break, or my life thus far for that matter, was the Eiffel Tower at night.  The tower glitters brilliantly every hour on the hour and easily solidifies Paris as the most romantic city in the world.  Words cannot express the beauty, so I put some pictures below.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lost in Translation

You stand across from me
The room holding just us two
I want to say words of love
Something meaningful and true

But lost in translation
Has caught up to me
And you'd never understand
What I really mean

The crowds appear
And fill in the space
That there laid between us
I've lost sight of your face

You were less than a moment
A glimpse at best
But in my mind your eyes linger
Longer than the rest

I could say it was nothing
That I have no regrets
But I wish I had stayed
Instead of just left

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Boy Meets Paris

The second leg of my journey brought me to Paris.  I can't say that Paris had as many sites I that was interested in as London did, but I managed to see a lot in my time there.  I spent one day in the Louvre, which is huge.  I saw a wide variety of different sculptures and, of course, spent some time admiring the Mona Lisa.  I also visited Moulin Rouge, which featured a giant windmill on top of the building.  The cathedral of Notre Dame also had a lot to offer.  The interior was majestic and beautiful.  However, my favorite attraction was the Eiffel Tower, which could be seen from various areas across the city during the day.  The Eiffel Tower was far larger than I had anticipated and was stunning to behold.  However, the real beauty of Paris was something that couldn't be found in any one site.  The city itself seemed to breathe loving words to its inhabitants, wrapping them in its inherent romantic atmosphere.  A bridge featured the locks of loved ones looking to protect their love and was frequently populated at night with lovers sharing an intimate meal beneath the stars and the glow of the Eiffel Tower in the distance.  Paris was without a doubt the most romantic of the cities I have visited.  Some pictures are below.

Wicked and The Spring Classical Spectacle

My nights in London were also interesting.  I spent my second night seeing the musical Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre.  It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, so my camera wasn't by my side.  However, I did happen to snap a few pics of the outside of the theatre before I left.  The show was incredible, by far one of the best musicals I've ever seen.  The next night was spent in Royal Albert Hall, where I witnessed the Spring Classical Spectacle.  I was extremely tired by the end of the third day and, to be honest, I started falling asleep during the second half of the show.  I awoke to the sound of musket and cannon fire as the show reached the finale.  It was amazing!  Fireworks shot into the air and streamers fell to the ground.  Pictures are below, including one of the Apollo Victoria Theatre.

Boy Meets London

The first stop on my spring break trip was to London.  It was incredible.  I spent the first day in Notting Hill, which is a quiet little area on the edge of London.  People there seem separated from their inner city counterparts and move at a more relaxed and leisurely pace.  It was great to walk around and get a feel for the area, in which all of the houses and shops were painted in a variety of bright colors.  The next stop I made on my first day was to Harrod's, the largest department store in the world, which is a title they don't intend to lose anytime soon.  Even with the help of a map, the place is overly-massive and I found myself asking for directions constantly.  In addition to clothes, the store has its own restuarant, grocery department, music department, toy department, and electronics department.  It was amazing to see.  The next day I got an early start and took the Underground to the Houses of Parliament to see Big Ben, whose name by no means overcompensates for the size of the massive clock, which could be seen from many blocks away.  I also saw Westminster Abbey and found a little park near the Houses of Parliament full of swans.  It was beautiful.  I walked down the river and found myself in front of Shakespeare's Globe Theater.  A tour I took of the site laer revealed it to be a recreation of the original Globe Theater, which was destroyed several years ago.  The theater was built using many of the same methods, tools, and building materials as the original.  It was a fantastic sight to see.  Sadly, the London rain interfered with my plans for the rest of the day, but I made up for the lost time by visiting the London Bridge and the Tower Bridge the following day.  London Bridge is less remarkable than you may believe, especially when compared to the grandeur of the Tower Bridge right next to it.  The Tower Bridge is ornate to say the least and rises and falls on certain dates to allow massive ships to pass through.  It was remarkable.  I also saw Abbey Road, which isn't much other than a street crossing and a recording studio, which isn't open to the public.  My final day in London was quickly spent enjoying the Royal Gardens and the Queen's Palace.  I watched the changing of the guards, which was more a musical spectacle than a military exercise, and quickly returned to my hotel to gather my things before moving on to my next location.  A few pictures from my trip to London are below.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tribute to Elphaba

You're misunderstood
The world got your story wrong
You're caught in the lies
Feel like you don't belong

They say you're strange
Awkward at best
Not fitting the mold
Set up by the rest

But they just can't find the real you
The you that I see
The warmth that your heart
Has revealed to me

The world may hate
Refuse to understand
Turn away in disgust
From your outreached hand

But when they do
Don't feel distressed
My shoulder's always right here
For your head to rest